Here in the Greater Long Beach area, 1 in 6 people are experiencing poverty… and that means many of our neighbors are also going hungry, struggling to afford food as prices rise. 

But here’s the good news: YOU can provide a meal at the Mission for the low cost of $2.43 – and offer hurting people hope for a better life through blessings like these:

  • Nourishing meals
  • Counseling and case management
  • Christ-centered recovery programs
  • Job readiness training

Please help today – the hope you’ll give someone who’s experiencing hunger and homelessness is priceless. Thank you, and Happy Easter! 

Choose your gift

$51.03 for 21 meals & care
$99.63 for 41 meals & care
$150.66 for 62 meals & care
$301.32 for 124 meals & care
Enter Amount

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Financial Accountability

We are members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, an exclusive organization with extraordinarily high standards. Our records are audited annually to make sure your gift is used the way it should be.

Long Beach Rescue Mission is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

No third parties will have access to your information.